KCB、2CY型齿轮式输油泵上海帕特泵业制造有限公司生产的KCB、2CY型齿轮式输油泵适用于输送粘度在300C.s.t以下的各种油类,如原油、柴油、润滑油、动植物油等。配用铜齿轮可输送低闪点液体,如汽油、苯等。介质温度不超过70℃,耐高温油泵的的详细信息上海帕特泵业制造有限公司生产的KCB、2CY型齿轮式输油泵适用于输送粘度在300 C.s.t以下的各种油类,如原油、柴油、润滑油、动植物油等。配用铜齿轮可输送低闪点液体,如汽油、苯等。介质温度不超过70℃,耐高温油泵的使用温度不超过300℃。泵本身带有安全阀,超载时起安全保护作用。轴封有骨架油封、机械密封、填料密封三种型式,订货注明。
This pump is suitable to carry various oils, such as the thick oil, diesel fuel and lubricator, animal and vegetable oil etc. also it′s available to transport the fluidities with low flashing point by equipped with copper, gear, such as gasoline and benzene, etc. Take care that the media temperature shouldn’t surpass 70℃and the available temperature of oil pump against high temperature shouldn’t more than 300℃. The pump has safely valve itself when the pump works under the high pressure. Shaft seal has skeleton oil seal. Mechanical seal and stuffing seal. Please it should be indicated when placing order.
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